Speaker Resources

We’re thrilled that you are willing to put your expertise and insights out there. On this page we’re gathering resources and information, which we think may be useful for your panel presentations.

The Panel

We will have a total of six panels at the Summit, three on Friday June 7 and three on Sunday June 9. With a few exceptions the format is identical in each panel: The three panelists will each present for 10-12 minutes. The Powerpoint/Keynote presentation file will be launched by one of the Summit volunteers and you’re ready to go. Please make sure you stay within the allocated timeframe to avoid others having less time.

After each panelist has presented, all panelists will stay on stage in comfy chairs, and Ole Kassow will moderate a Q&A session with questions and perspectives from the audience.




If you wish, you can get inspiration from this Cycling Without Age presentation template. Note that the Taca Pro font type (the CWA font) will only work if you install the font type on your computer. Download the Taca Pro font type here.

You do not have to use this template for your presentation.