Building Better Lives – Cycling Without Age


As of January 2025

  • Invented in 2012 in Copenhagen
  • Active chapters in 41 countries
  • Starting up in 20 countries
  • 3,500 chapter locations
  • 6,000 trishaws
  • 43,000 trained cycle pilots
  • Over 5 million rides and over 1.5 million people served
  • We operate in a grassroots fashion and invite everyone to join us
  • “The right to wind in your hair”, coined by a visually-impaired passenger

Starting a chapter in your community

We invite you to start up a chapter of Cycling Without Age, a worldwide movement that aims to provide joy and vitality to all through the magic of bicycle rides. Through the simple act of sharing a bike ride, it weaves a sense of community and gathers unique and invaluable stories, unlocked only by the wind and wheels.

We have launched a simple Affiliate model for communities, nursing homes, cities and individuals worldwide to become part of the movement.


Find and contact a chapter of Cycling Without Age near you

  • Coffee friends
  • Chapters with trishaws
  • New chapters fundraising for trishaws

How it all started in Copenhagen


The Grey Escape

Lean back and enjoy The Grey Escape, a half hour documentary about a life-changing 4-day journey in which twenty nursing home residents deliver trishaws from Denmark to Norway. Use it professionally, use it at your fundraisers, watch it with future passengers, rock up your community – or just watch it for your own pleasure.

Moving Generations, Singapore

Connecting the youth with seniors. Through the trishaw rides youth have opportunities to engage with seniors in an active setting, allowing them to have meaningful dialogues and learn about the past.

Amazing Humans, Scotland

“It’s living again”

Tove and Ole

Madame Wong

BBC South News in Brighton

Thorkild’s Ride Through Copenhagen

“Cycling is great. It’s actually a great way to see the world”, says Thorkild in this life-affirming, positive little film. Filmed and edited by Sanne Sandberg.

Ice-fishing in Östersund, Sweden

Simon Jaktlund from Östersund came up with this amazing idea: Bringing care home residents out on the frozen lake in a trishaw. In Swedish ice-fishing is called pimpelfiska.

Everyone A Changemaker

Great Big Story

Open for Business on BFM, Malaysia

Presented by: Richard Bradbury
Guests: Ole Kassow and Andrew Pang

Loneliness – World Economic Forum

City of Bikes

“The biggest problem for elderly people is that they don’t use their senses.

And there’re also the social stimuli we get exposed to when we bike. We get together when we bike across all social groups and different generations come together.”

Brief But Spectacular

“Listening to the story of an elderly person brings so much meaning to our own lives.”
A Brief But Spectacular take on the right to relate as it appeared on PBS Newshour in February 2023.

Summit 2024 Recap

In June 2024, we hosted a Summit in Copenhagen to bring together our global community to share knowledge and bring new ideas to chapters across the world. Visit our Summit page to watch all the keynote talks and panel sessions.

Click here for Summit Recap


Working with the Sustainable Development Goals

Find out how Cycling Without Age works with the global goals for sustainable development.

Did you watch Cycling Without Age on PBS?

Find out how Cycling Without Age and food adventures go hand i hand on the PBS program “The Food Principle” with Jim Kane airing throughout the United States.

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