Get Your Chapter Started

You just got your affiliate application approved. Congratulation. And now you need to figure out what to do next. You’re probably starting to wonder how to fundraise for a bike, how to rally more locals around the chapter, engage with a local nursing home and a lot more. Well, luckily you have come to the right place. This page is your go-to-place and checklist as you build your Cycling Without Age chapter over the next weeks and months. You will find that almost any question you can think of has been asked by someone before, which is great because you can tap right into that knowledge. All questions are valid. Please reach out to the Cycling Without Age network through the resources listed on this page.

Platforms for sharing knowledge


The Hood (for collaboration)

Cycling Without Age is based on a global network of people who are passionate about making a difference. We crowdsource knowledge rather than relying on a central approach to knowledge dissemination. Some of you are chapter captains, some volunteers, relatives, residents or nursing home staff. The Hood is a global forum for sharing information and experiences, for asking questions, for helping others and for building up a knowledge database, which will make it easier for new chapters to get started. The Hood is by invitation only. Please write an email to, if you are part of an official chapter and don’t yet have access. Please actively share as much information in The Hood as possible – it’s how we make each other better.

Facebook Group: Stories from Cycling Without Age

For Cycling Without Age pilots, staff, licensees, family members, residents and other interested parties worldwide. We share photos and stories and inspire each other. Stories from Cycling Without Age is a global group, but many country chapters and local chapters have their own groups, which are often used for coordination locally in addition to photos and stories. If you wish to create a local group, please name it similarly, for instance “Stories from Cycling Without Age Middle-earth” or the equivalent in your local language such as Historier fra Cykling uden alder (Danish) or Stories from Cycling Without Age Singapore.

WordPress (our website)

Right now you are reading content from WordPress, the content management system of Cycling Without Age. As you build your chapter, you may use the website as a resource and you way start building your own content locally or nationally. At the bottom of this page you can find links to all national Cycling Without Age websites. In some countries local chapters have their own pages, which are managed locally, such as Victoria in Canada. If you wish to get access to building and editing your local chapter, please contact Christian Persson and state which chapter you are affiliated with.


Flickr photo database

Flickr is a database currently containing 2,500 photos from all over the world. The database is organized into albums and are submitted by affiliates from many cities and countries. All photos can be used freely, but are subject to crediting the photographer (if so stated on the individual photo). If no photographer is mentioned, please credit Cycling Without Age.

If you wish to make a photo or an album available in our Flickr database, please send it to with information about time, place and name of photographer. If you have many photos, please use a file transfer service such as WeTransfer.


There are several relevant YouTube playlists out there. The most comprehensive one is still this Cycling Without Age (Cykling uden alder). In contains many wonderful short videos from many sources in many languages. Feel free to use the videos in your own presentations or promotional materials. We recently created a Cycling Without Age channel, which may have some overlap with some of the playlists.

Some videos are only available on Vimeo, such as the full feature documentary The Grey Escape by Michael Dorgan about Cycling Without Age. It’s available in 5 different language versions:
English, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Spanish. If you wish to have The Grey Escape subtitled in your local language, we can connect you with Go Forth Films. If you can submit the translated subtitles, Go Forth Films can usually create subtitles at a very reasonable price.

Social media

Cycling Without Age is present on several platforms in several languages.

Facebook (global), Facebook (Denmark), Facebook (Falkirk, Scotland), Facebook (Switzerland), Facebook (France) and more.

Instagram (English language), Instagram (Danish).

Twitter (global). Please tweet either using the #CyclingWithoutAge hashtag (or local language) or @cyclewithoutage (note the spelling).

LinkedIn. Add your affiliation with Cycling Without Age to your LinkedIn profile.


If you wish, we can create a Cycling Without Age email address for you. Note that this is subject to availability from the domain host. We use first name unless there are more people with the same first name. Alternatively you may use surname or first name + initial following by your local country domain. For instance: To have a personal email, you must be officially affiliated with your local chapter. Please contact Christian to create your email address.

Brand Book

Our identity affects how people think and feel about Cycling Without Age and is largely formed by what we do – improving the lives of elderly people making nursing homes a place of joy and continued mobility.

As ambassador you are the keeper of our brand. Your actions and stories make it flourish. We created this Brand Book as a guide and inspiration for you in your daily work. It helps us as a community to communicate a clear and strong message.

The Brand Book will also provide you with a name guide, logos, font types and a detailed guide to the correct usage of all the Cycling Without Age brand elements.

The Book Book’s next revision is due in the autumn of 2017.

The trishaw

If you want to support Cycling Without Age without paying more for your trishaw and if you want to buy from an approved and experienced manufacturer, please see your selection of trishaws from Copenhagen Cycles. All proceeds go to supporting Cycling Without Age worldwide.



Cycling Without Age is a grassroots movement with a very small group at the Copenhagen Hub. Think of our organization as a wheel.

Use the wheel as your platform to be awesome. To be a changemaker.