Welcome to you as new affiliate

You’re a changemaker

Welcome to Cycling Without Age! You’ve joined a worldwide movement to give people the opportunity to feel the wind in their hair, connect with the community, and enjoy building relationships. Here are a few tips on how to get your affiliate up and running.

Reach out to the community

Visit local senior groups, activity centers, assisted-living facilities and care homes to introduce them to CWA. Consider approaching community service groups like Rotary, Round Table, Lions, churches, mosques, and synagogues; as well as businesses who are looking to support their local community.

You’re looking for people who will be excited about bringing CWA to your community, and will be willing to help with funds, with resources such as space, and most importantly with people.

Consider incorporating

While more complicated than operating without one, there are several benefits to forming an entity that will own and operate your CWA trishaw. First, if you form a not-for-profit company you may find it easier to attract donations that will help you purchase your trishaw and operate your CWA affiliate. Second, depending on the form of your entity, you may be able to include other interested people who can help you operate your affiliate and feel part of the CWA experience. Third, depending on the form of the entity you may be able to limit your potential liability in the event of an accident or other unforeseen event.

We have been incredibly successful with this movement due to the peer-to-peer support from everyone involved. We enjoy nothing better than to support and encourage all affiliates with the establishment of their own chapter, but we also rely heavily on the Cycling Without Age global community to help balance the expectations of what can realistically be fulfilled by our small group at the Hub. We all help each other, but we don’t take it for granted. We stay happy, humble and generous.

You’re on the map

You’re now part of a global fellowship of passionate and generous changemakers on a mission to give people the right to wind in their hair. Your city, your name and your contact information now appear on this map.

Get Your Chapter Started

On this page you have an overview of all the resources available to you as an affiliate of Cycling Without Age: cyclingwithoutage.org/get-chapter-started. Bookmark this page, because it contains everything you will be needing.

Community Workspace

We have created a community workspace in The Hood, which you will be invited to join (by separate invitation). This will be our main means of communications, and it’s the way our global Cycling Without Age community will help you get started. The overall principle is that we all help each other and share ideas, experiences and resources. We discuss relevant topics such as insurance, fundraising, training and engaging your local community.

The Trishaw

We have currently approved and work with several great trishaw manufacturers (more models are being developed and assessed). Find your bike on this page.

The aim is to get you started and with the help of the Cycling Without Age community to overcome all possible obstacles in the coming months.

The website

You may want a web presence, it’s still the best way to show you’re serious about your efforts. All Cycling Without Age websites are hosted on this WordPress platform you’re looking at right now. Staying on this shared site is the only way the brand can be protected, and to guarantee to others that you’re a certified affiliate.

You have the following website options:

  • A CWA website in your own language, CWA will buy the domain and host it (via the Danish web company Symbiotisk). It costs your national CWA Partner €240 per quarter (2024).
  • A page for your location on an existing national domain. You can buy the services of a CWA user support assistant to build a one pager for you. Hosting has been paid for by your national CWA Partner. Price: between €25-33 per hour (depending on language and expertise of the user support assistant)
  • A full website for your own town, you can use the CWA web designers or find a local WordPress assistant. It costs your local chapter €60 per quarter.

Got any questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact us or reach out to your new global network.