Cycling Without Age operates as an international not-for-profit organization. We do not yet enjoy any general funding or grants to support all of our global community activities – but we like the idea of creating a platform for mutual inspiration and support among our community members.
We of course have the usual expenses that go along with running an organization: websites and booking systems need to be up and running, employees have to be paid, insurance premiums come due, the landlord wants his rent. We raise the funds necessary to maintain and develop CWA in two ways: through our operations and by soliciting donations.
Whenever you purchase a trishaw, pay to participate in a training class, or involve CWA staff in a takeoff event, you help support our operations and most importantly the overall purpose of the right to wind in the hair. We make a reasonable, fair profit on trishaw sales, and our program and takeoff fees are set so that they help contribute to our budget as well. The more we are able to self-fund in this way, the less time we have to spend seeking one-time grants and asking for donations. This allows us to focus our resources on what we love most: bringing the joy of Cycling Without Age to more people worldwide.
If you have specific questions about our operations, please contact us.