The exceptional short film “Finn” has been selected for All Sports Los Angeles Film Festival 2016 from April 14-17. The film is instructed by Mariana Abdalla, produced by Mette Juhl Paulsen and assisted by Marie Dupont.
The film was recorded before, during and after the Cycling Without Age long ride from Denmark to Norway in 2015. Congratulations to Mariana, Mette, Marie – and not least to Finn, the charismatic lead character of the film.
Help us get Finn to Hollywood
We would love for Finn and his daughter Lis to be able to come to the festival. If you wish to support the fundraiser for Finn and Lis’ participation, please donate by using the button below.
Update March 29, 2016: Good news. We have now exceeded the target with a total of 9,231 DKK and bought the tickets. Thanks to all 29 contributors, including Cycling Embassy of Denmark with a contribution of 5,000 DKK.
We have just been notified that a small bank in Finn’s home town of Fuglebjerg, Den Lille Bikube, has made a donation of 5,000 DKK, which will be used to pay for Finn and Lis’ hotel for the stay.
Lis writes: “Finn is so ready for LA 🙂 🙂 🙂 ”
Update April 21, 2016: Read all Lis’ Facebook updates and photos from Los Angeles.
Age, does it really matter?
I just watched this documentary. I’ve got tears in my eyes. Finn, I hope your wisdom is shared with the world!
Can people see this film outside of the Film Festival?
Would be a great treat for Senior’s groups, etc.